Take part in our draw!


Sara Low 2024

Unfortunately, I didn't win anything, I ordered "X-Loss Control" at full price with no discount. But I'm sure it will help me lose 15 much hated pounds! Good luck to all!

Amahle Khumalo 2024

It is a completely new product. I have participated in clinical trials. We were around 100 people. And you know, I really lost weight and, above all, I keep my weight.

Okhule Mahlangu 2024

Amahle, it's fantastic! I too have decided to slim down, this year! I just didn't understand one thing: even if I take "X-Loss Control", do I still have to go on a diet?

Amahle Khumalo 2024

Okhule, with me in the clinical study group there were people who used it without any diet, just like me, and everyone's results were just great! Of course, I was promised I would lose 15 kg per month, and I lost "only" 12.8 kg, but I hadn't been able to lose weight for so long, before! I'm so happy with this result! Of course, if you add diet and sport, you'll have better results!

Enzokuhle 2024

Girls, I read so much about this product on the Internet, my husband and I really want to try it, we want to get slimmer. We're so excited, we're anxiously awaiting the beginning of the sales...

Lethabo Ngcobo 2024

Amahle, I saw your post, I would like to ask you: how long did you take X-Loss Control?

Amahle Khumalo 2024

Lethabo, I took it for a month, someone in the group for a bit longer. But the results were visible already after 7 days of use. Here are my photos. I've clearly slimmed down.

Onthatile Dlamini 2024

Girls, I want to share my results, with you, I was in the group with Amahle. We had really good results. I am amazed at its effectiveness, this product really helps. I'm happy to have taken part in the clinical trials. My life has changed for the better! Look, here are my results. From the beginning to the end of the experiment.

Lesedi Ndlovu 2024

Wow, I want to order it now! I can get the discount if I order it today!

Lethabo Ngcobo 2024

I'll order it too. The results are unbelievable! I would like to receive this product. I've seen that the number of bottles is limited, since they have just produced them in South Africa.

Amogelang Sithole 2024

Lethabo, we're lucky! A discount, even! I'll order it too! Even for my mom, grandma and friend who's been suffering from obesity for a long time and nothing helps them...

Rethabile Mthembu 2024

Girls, I was in the group that tested the drug, too! South Africa sales have finally been announced! You have no idea, I have lost several sizes: from the size 52 to teh 40! And I've been flaunting it! Here is my result! Now so many of my friends want to order it for themselves and their families! So, I'll order more bottles for me too!

Cristina Anderson 2024

Girls, I'm shocked! What amazing results!

Mark Scott 2024

Guys, I was in the clinical trial group and I lost weight too! This product is just right for me. I was fat and nobody loved me... Now I have a girlfriend. I lost weight quickly. Here are my photos!

Steve Thompson 2024

I will order it immediately! I'm overweight too... Luckily this product is also suitable for men.

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